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Forum moderator: Heamo_Goblin, Razelle, Thagoras  
Grid Containers
Heamo_GoblinDate: Sunday, 2024-08-11, 5:41 AM | Message # 1
Group: Staff Team
Messages: 78
Reputation: 100
Status: Offline
The main reason for this version of ClassicUO!
  • Resizable
  • Searchable
  • Anchorable
  • Visual Customization
  • Item Comparisons
  • Quick move
  • Easy sorting
  • Can toggle off if you like the old containers more (Options -> Containers)
  • Target the background of the gump to target the corpse or container
  • More small QOL features not listed here


All grid containers are resizable, just grab the blue icon in the bottom right and pull it!

All grid containers are searchable, including anything in the item name or properties!
Two different search modes are available in Options>Containers>Grid Containers
-Highlight will put a yellow border around the items matching your query
-Only show will hide all other items, only showing the ones you searched for

Grid containers can be anchored to each other, world map, and the Journal window!
You can enable or disable this in Options>Containers>Grid Containers
Visual Customization

You can customize many of the visual aspects of grid containers:
  • Grid item border hue
  • Grid background color
  • Opacity for both of those
  • Select different gump styles

All via the options Options>Containers>Grid Containers
Grid and Item scaling

You can scale the size of the grids and/or items if you want them smaller or larger in Options>Containers>Grid Containers
Item Comparisons

Compare items you are hovering over with items you have equipped!
Press Ctrl while hovering over an item to enable!
Quick move

Quickly select (by Alt + Left Click) items in grid containers to move multiple items to another container
Easy Sorting

Easy container sorting at the click of a button, or toggle it on for always-on sorting.

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