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Forum moderator: Heamo_Goblin, Razelle, Thagoras  
TazUO Commands
Heamo_GoblinDate: Sunday, 2024-08-11, 5:32 AM | Message # 1
Group: Staff Team
Messages: 78
Reputation: 100
Status: Offline
CUO and TazUO have commands separate from the common server [commands, by using - as the deliminator.
-cast spellname

You can type -cast teleport to attempt to cast that spell quickly, works with all standard spells (This will not work for servers with custom spells)
-skill skillname

You can type -skill remove t to use the remove trap skill, this will match the first skill with that text in it's name, so if it uses the wrong skill try using the full skill name.


Hue specific tiles for any reason you may want, mining, mark traps, rune locations?

Save file for tile markers is located under Data/Profiles/ and is client-wide, so any account/character you mark tiles on will show up for all characters/accounts under that TUO installation.

-marktile With no arguments will mark the tile at your feet with hue 32
-marktile hue Will mark the tile at your feet with the specified hue
-marktile x y hue Will mark the tile at x, y with the specified hue on your current map
-marktile x y mapindex hue Will mark the tile at x, y with the specified hue on the specified map(map #, not map name)

How to remove a marked tile
-marktile -r Remove the marked tile where you are standing
-marktile -r x y Remove the marked tile at the specific coords on your current map
-marktile -r x y mapindex Remove the marked tile at the specific coords on the specific map index(map #, not name)

Map index numbers
The standard map index numbers are:
0 = Fel
1 = Tram
2 = Ilshenar
3 = Malas
4 = Tokunu
5 = Ter Mur
6 = Eodon


-radius will enable/disable showing the radius
-radius distance will set the distance from the character desired
-radius distance hue will set the distance and hue of the indicator

Bring up a gump to browse all hues available in your uo install.

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