Razelle | Date: Sunday, 2021-01-24, 7:16 PM | Message # 1 |
Group: Staff Team
Messages: 22
Status: Offline
| Item Identification
Item Identification skill is now used with the socketing system! You need the item ID skill to fill the empty sockets inside items. This skill is also used to identify the NPC value of Items and the imbuing ingredients the Items will unravel into.
Item Identification once revealed the hidden magic properties of weapons and armor, but no longer does so as that information is no longer hidden from players and is visible simply by clicking any item.
- Professional Title: Merchant
- Maximum Skill Possible: 100.0
- NPC Trainers: Gambler, Gypsy, Jeweler, Merchant Guild Master, Miner Guild Master
- 0 -30: Train at an NPC
- 30 - 100: Actively use the skill repeatedly on 1 item.
Active Use To use Item Identification you can either set a macro or use the skill icon. Doing so will bring up a targeting cursor and a system message asking, What do you wish to appraise and identify?
Target the item you want to learn about. These are the possible outcomes:
- Failure - A message over your head says, "You have no idea how much that item might be worth."
- Success - A message over your head says, "[Name of Item]"
- You guess the value of that item at: [amount in gold]
- Failure to identify the imbuing ingredient
- Your imbuing skill is not high enough to identify the imbuing ingredient.
- Success at identifying the imbuing ingredient
- You conclude that the item can not be magically unraveled. It possess little to no magic properties.
- will magically unravel into: Magical Residue
- will magically unravel into: Enchanted Essence (Imbuing > 45.0)
- will magically unravel into: Relic Fragment (Imbuing > 90.0)
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