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Forum moderator: Heamo_Goblin, Razelle, Thagoras  
RazelleDate: Sunday, 2021-01-17, 10:54 PM | Message # 1
Group: Staff Team
Messages: 22
Reputation: 0
Status: Offline
There are four options for creating a group.  Two command types and two that uses menus to invite other players.

Players can create or add players to an existing party with the /add command and targeting a player.  Players may also start a party by using the scroll on the Paperdoll and manually use the gump provided.

Players may start a party by using our custom [AddToParty command. This command is case sensitive and allows party creation from anyone on the server.

UO Stones also has a unique Match Making party system that players may use to help find a group.  Players use the command [Matchmaking.  This system searches for other like players looking for a group.

The final option for inviting players to group with you is to use the context menu by targeting the player you wish to group with.

Players may join a party invite by typing / and accept.

While in a party, players can communicate privately with the entire party by using / and typing your message after it ie; /hey what's up?

Players can quit or leave the party with the /quit command

The party leader can remove players with the /rem command. You may also use the party gump to add or remove a player.  or simply use the mouse over context window.

If the party leader leaves the party, the next player who joined the party after them will automatically become the new leader.
Parties are persistent and will remain in place if the server reboots so be sure to use the /quit option.

Parties will only disband if only one member remains or if no activity occurs among any members of the party for 7 days.

Parties are treated as "group" entities for determining looting rights on creatures, using damage thresholds similar to Guilds (i.e. if a Party does 15% of the total damage to a boss, all members of the party gain looting rights to it).

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