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Forum moderator: Heamo_Goblin, Razelle, Thagoras  
Commands List
Heamo_GoblinDate: Monday, 2017-07-03, 2:18 AM | Message # 1
Group: Staff Team
Messages: 78
Reputation: 100
Status: Offline
Here is a list of all the player commands you can use

Use Skill:

[Anatomy - Uses the skill Anatomy on a player or NPC
[AnimLore - Uses the skill Animal Lore on a creature.
[ArmsLore - Uses the skill Armslore on a weapon or armor piece.
[Beg - Uses the skill Begging on a target.
[Cartography - Uses the skill Cartography.
[Detect - Uses the skill for Detect Hidden.
[Disc - Uses the skill Discordance.
[EvalInt - Uses the skill Evaluating Intelligence.
[Forensics - Uses the Forensic Evaluation.
[Hiding - Uses the skill Hiding.
[Inscribe - Uses the skill Inscription.
[ItemId - Uses the skill Item Identification.
[Meditate - Uses the skill Meditation.
[Peace - Uses the skill Peacemaking.
[Pick - Uses the skill Lockpicking.
[Poisoning - Uses the skill Poisoning.
[Provoc - Uses the skill Provocation.
[RemoveTrap - Uses the skill Remove Trap.
[SpiritSpeak - Uses the skill Spirit Speak.
[Stealth - Uses the skill Stealth.
[Tame - Uses the skill Animal Taming.
[TasteID - Uses the skill Taste Identification.
[Track - Uses the skill Tracking.

[Imbuing - Uses the skill Imbuing.

Combat Related:

[BandageSelf - Players will bandage self if bandages are in their pack, even if player has items equipped.
[Loot - Used to loot nearby corpses that player's have killed, even if player has items equipped.
[DrinkAgility - Players will drink a Agility potion if it is in their pack, even if player has items equipped.
[DrinkCure - Players will drink a Cure potion if it is in their pack, even if player has items equipped.
[DrinkHeal - Players will drink a Heal potion if it is in their pack, even if player has items equipped.
[DrinkRefresh - Players will drink a Refresh potion if it in their pack, even if player has items equipped.
[DrinkStrength - Players will drink a Strength potion if it in their pack, even if player has items equipped.

[DrinkMana - Players will drink a Mana potion if it is in their pack, even if player has items equipped.
[DrinkMind - Players will drink a Mind potion if it is in their pack, even if player has items equipped.

Server Related:

[Statistics - Brings up the player, account and shard's statistics.
[Hues - Large hue gump.
[Hue - Small hue gump.
[BrowseArtifacts - Will allows players to browse all artifacts on the shard.
[VoidPool - Checks the status of the Void Pool in the Covetous dungeon.
[QuestRanking - Gives information on player quest ranking.
[TimeStamp - Provides current shard time.
[AFK - Sets the player as AFK.
[GetHue - Provides the hue information for the targeted item.

Global Commands:

[Help - Provides a listing of help options.
[GetPet - Retrieves a pet left behind.
[Auction - Is for the auction system, players are allowed to auction 5 items at a time.
[Lottery - Is for token lottery.

[LotteryG - Is for gold lotteries.
[PM (Players Name) - to send private messages.
[P - to write in party chat
[MyHouses - Lists a players houses that they own.
[MatchMaking - Allows player to create
[SellPet - Instantly sells pets that players have tamed and do not wish to keep.
[AddToParty - Adds a player to the current party or starts a party.
[C - Speak in global chat.
[CB - Brings up the chat box menu.

Character Commands:

[Emote - Allows players to chose an emote to use.
[TurnBackToDeed - Turns targeted item back to a deed.
[BondTime - Provides the bond time info on a targeted pet.
[QuestLog - Brings up the quest log gump menu.
[SpellBar - Brings up the gump for spells.
[MyStats - Provides detailed character information in a gump window.
[Dump - Allows the player to dump one bag of items into another.
[Look - Allows the player to target an item and look at it.

[Moveitems - Players can move items from main pack of a particular target type into a chest or bag on the ground or in your house.
[Sort - This sorts items for you.
[OrganizeMe - Automatically organizes your back pack.
[Count - Will provide an item count and description of items in a targeted bag.
[Poppouch - Automatically opens a trapped pouch to break paralyze.
[MobLore - Provides lore information on creatures if the player does not have the Animal Lore.
[Doom - Displays your current doom points and rewards chance.

Box Chat:

[CBHelp - Displays all available chat box commands
[CB - Opens the chat box
[CBSize width height - Resizes the chat box
[CBSize - Displays your current chat box size
[CBSizeX - Resizes your chat boxes width
[CBSizeY - Resizes your chat boxes height
[CBDtStyle - Displays your current datetime style
[CBDtStyle date+time/time/none - Sets your datetime style

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